Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Tuesday News Tidbits

Some stuff I thought was interesting today:

·         Hamid Karzai’s brother got whacked.  And from what I’d read about the guy before he was killed, it sounds like he was a corrupt bastard who probably had it coming.

·         It doesn’t seem like the Republicans want a long-term answer to the public debt, probably because that would kill their primary issue in 2012.  The open question is whether they’re willing to wreck the country just to maintain a talking point for the coming election.

·         Netflix is raising their prices.  Apparently, they’ve either had too much success or not quite enough.  At any rate, their digital subscription arm has outrun their deal with Sony, so they either need to raise more revenue to renegotiate and offer a better service OR get some folks off the digital subscriber band and double down on DVD-by-mail.  My money’s on the former, and I’ll tell you right now that I’ll pay more if the streaming service offers more and better titles.

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