Thursday, January 27, 2011

Sixteen Inches!

We got another sixteen inches of snow last night, but the real problem was the rate at which it snowed--4 inches/hour.  That completely overwhelmed Metro-North's ability to keep up, and this morning they shu down the New Haven line into New York City.  On top of that, there are multiple tractor-trailers jackknifed on I-95, and the State shut down the Merritt Parkway, meaning that,bottom line, I'm stuck at home today.  That might not be a big deal for most folks, but I work in the Energy Control Center in Manhattan, considered a vital job even in the middle of an emergency and/or blizzard. 

Anyway, I called in for an unscheduled vacation day, and my boss was cool about it, which was nice.  And more to the point, he actually lives in the City, which means that at least SOMEONE is in the office, and that's the important thing.  We have enough redundancy that we can afford to have some folks out from time to time.

In the meantime, I've been working on Sellswords, and I plan to swim and/or do some serious power yoga today.  Beyond that... playtime? 

Well.  That doesn't suck.

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