Saturday, February 12, 2011

Finally got back on my bike!

Yep.  After what seems like MONTHS of epic snow and ice, we've finally had just enough sun and warmth to somewhat clear the street.  So I rode in to work three whole days this week, the first time I've been on my bike since before Christmas.  It was nice.  But it was also cold.  As Hell.  I mean, Wednesday it was literally ten degrees when I left the house, and while Thursday was better, Friday was again only in the lower teens.  So I froze my fucking ass off!

Still and all, as I told Sally, a day on the bike is better than a day when I'm not on the bike.

With the extra mileage on the bike, I skipped my heretofore regularly scheduled mid-week swim, instead putting in an honest-to-God distance freestyle workout this morning.  Then we went out for pancakes, which was nice.  This afternoon, I'm hoping to run about four miles, but between you and me, I'm not entirely sure I'll have time.  Emma's got a birthday party, and I have to head out to my local comic shop and pick up the last few weeks' comics.  Later tonight, we're going out for hibachi.  That promises to be AWESOME!

It's also been a pretty interesting week for the old Sellswords.  They picked a fight with a Beholder Eye of Flame and its minions, and our resident barbarian got set on fire.  Twice! We also picked up a new player this week, Tila, who plays the Human Wizard/Assassin Miri.  Miri's got one of the most unusual builds I've ever seen, and frankly, when Tila first showed me the concept, I was a little afraid that she wouldn't be able to keep up.  But so far so good, and I think the guys are enjoying having an actual girl around.  It's definitely a change-up from what we've had up to now.

So like I said, it's been an interesting week, and except for the fact that the fact that the Beholder has a lot of lot of Immediate Actions, which are tough to manage in a Play-by-Post online game, I've been really digging our game lately.

Happy Valentine's Day!

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