Sunday, January 23, 2011

Update: Knees and Storytelling

Alright, so I finally got out to see the knee doc yesterday.  I have what's called a Plica, which is apparently a fold in the cartilage in the inside of my knee.  It's causing the clicking and the pain, but it's not too serious, and unless I'm a maniac, I can probably get away without surgery.  He prescribed a brace and told me to keep running but to take it easy until it finally calms down.  He also told me to use an over-the-counter anti-inflammatory (i.e. Advil) before I run.  So I tried that yesterday, and it was awesome.  I made about 2 and a half miles, pain-free, and I felt fucking GREAT afterward.   Hooray!

On the writing front, I think I'm finally starting to get this opening together.  The issue, if you're wondering, is that my last (first) book went off the rails in the first chapter.  I set up the wrong story questions early, and that informed the rest of the story, throwing the whole thing off a little.  It wasn't necessarily a disaster--I mean, I could fix it--but looking back, it was a serious pain in the ass, and without a good reason for fixing it, I can't see the point in dumping probably two or three months into a project who's future is to sit unread on my hard drive. 

Look, I don't think that the book was terrible--I mean, I'm pretty sure that it's at least readable--but it isn't all that it could be.  I didn't sort of explore the world that I built it in adequately because a good bit of the attitude is just... off.  But that's what happens when you start out with the wrong basic story question.  All of which means that I'm trying to pay a bit more attention to my opening questions this time.  And then, too, this new story is a lot more complex, which is to say that there are more characters and more viewpoints, and I'm trying to use a lot more attitude in the writing.

Eh.  Again, it's not like I'm gonna send this thing to a bunch of publishers, and that's even if I actually buckle down and write the whole thing.  With that in mind, I've been thinking about just finishing the sci fi novella I started for my girls over the summer.  They'd probably like that, and at least it'd get read.

Anyway, now it's Sunday, and I'm amazingly excited about the Jets game.  Who'd'a thunk it?

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